Labour law case in Supreme Court
Sivenius Suvanto assisted an employee in a labour law related dispute in which case the Supreme Court gave – after having held an oral hearing – the final decision no. 2019:76 on 10 September 2019. In the judgment the Supreme…Read more
Sale of Shares in VIP-Sähkö Oy
Sale of Shares in ManpowerGroup Contact Center Oy
Sivenius Suvanto acted as counsel to ManpowerGroup Oy when the company sold the entire stock of ManpowerGroup Contact Center Oy, which is the leader in offering outsourcing services in customer care and sales service sector in Finland, to Rainmaker Oy.…Read more
We advise Lumo Kodit Oy in various matters concerning building projects and marketing of housing
Representing HUS-Kiinteistöt Oy in a trial concerning construction law related dispute
Representing AVAIN Asumisoikeus Oy in its court proceedings
Representing Asuntosäätiön Asumisoikeus Oy in court proceedings
Acting as Legal counsel for Länsimetro in court proceedings
Sale of shares in a HVAC contractor
The Sale of Töölö hospital real estate
Sivenius Suvanto acted as a legal advisor for HUS when it sold Töölö hospital’s real estate to Veritas.